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Led zeppelin swan song logo

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There is another possible reference text that Jimmy Page had, which was brought to my attention by Mr Joseph Peterson from esoteric archives.


This 1850 version of Le Dragon Rouge is a reprint of and earlier 1521 text “ The Red Dragon and The Black Hen, including the secrets of Artephius, the secrets of Cleopatra and how to make yourself invisible“. This book is rare and expensive (selling on eBay for several hundred Euros), but you will note that the collection of symbols for the planet Saturn is identical to that published in the Dumas book above. The book you want is shown below, and the collection of symbols appear on page 51. If you go looking for this book, note there are several called Le Dragon Rouge and they are quite different books.

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The Dumas text easiest reference book to locate, but there are others and it is likely that Page had a copy of Le Dragon Rouge (the Red Dragon). The French text simply says that “ Saturn rules over the lives of mankind, extending or terminating it and making life happy or painful“. Here are the pages where the symbols can be found (look at the bottom of page 127): Page’s symbol can be found on page 127, in Chapter 10 entitled Dragon Rouge (the Red Dragon) – the secrets of the Scientist Artephius. The most accessible text to find these symbols is Grimoires et Rituels Magiques, by Francois Ribadeau Dumas, published by P Belfond in Paris in 1972 (and 1998). They origins of the symbol go back to at least 1521, and almost certainly earlier (to the 1300’s), but what the structure and form of the symbol originally meant (if anything) has been long lost in the sands of time. I do not personally believe there is any deeper meaning than this, but there are many people out there who do. Perhaps this was why this particular Saturn symbol caught his eye. One of the Saturn symbols in the text books looks a little bit like “zioso” of Grazioso.

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Now, Jimmy’s first guitar was a 1959 Futurama Grazioso that his parents bought for him when he was 12 years old. Jimmy wanted a symbol for Saturn and he found a selection in a textbook (some possible options will be listed shortly). Jimmy’s astrological sun sign is Capricorn, and if you know your astrology you will know that Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn. This is what I believe Mr Page did in his young days. The symbol does not spell the word Zoso, but this is a good name for referring to it. There are books with the symbols in them but they are hard to find and it is easier if you live in France and can speak French. With some research it proved possible to find the symbols for Plant, Jones and Bonham (and Sandy Denny), but Page’s symbol was elusive and this lead to greater speculation about its magical significance. He clearly had better access to these “standard reference books” than us, because when I started searching I had great difficulty finding any books with any symbols and sigils that looked even vaguely similar to the symbols above. Page used to own a second-hand bookshop called the Equinox ( 4 Holland Street, Kensington, London – no longer open) which specialised in books from the occult. When Jimmy Page was asked what his symbol meant he said that the band members selected them from a “standard reference book” of sigils (a sigil is a symbol used in magic) and suggested that interested people should go and look them up in a “standard reference text”. Sandy Denny’s symbol = “an old symbol for the Godhead” Where did the symbols come from? John Bonham’s symbol = the Trinity, or Father-Mother-Child John Paul Jones’ symbol = confidence and competence Jimmy Page’s symbol = Saturn (ruler of Capricorn astrology sign) The four symbols that appear in the site header was also the name of the fourth Led Zeppelin album, being one symbol for each band member (plus a fifth symbol for Sandy Denny who duetted with Robert Plant on The Battle of Evermore, which was one of the very few times Plant ever sang with another person). This research was originally published on the .nz website. If you wish to leave any feedback please do so on the comments page (menu top right). No idle speculation here just the facts and references so you can look the information up yourselves and draw your own conclusions. There has been lots of weird speculation about what the symbol means, such as the three-headed dog (Cerebus) that guards the gates to hell. On this page I will provide details of the source of the symbol and why Jimmy Page selected it. You have probably arrived at this page because you were researching the meaning of Jimmy Page’s Zoso symbol, which appeared on the cover of the fourth Led Zeppelin album.

Led zeppelin swan song logo